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Photo Pos Pro 4.03.34 Premium instaling

Photo Pos Pro 4.03.34 Premium instaling

Mul lery said the plan tak es what had been a compa ct distric t and stretches it to outside of Ha- zleton. Bu t thi s pla n adv ance d by Rep ublicanleadersh ip stret ch- esthe dis tric t ina waythatwoul d make it difficult for people of the new 11 9th District to receive ser- vicesfrom my officethat they de- serve.” The propo sed plan would re- move Edwardsvi lle and Lark s- villeboroughs and Plymo uth and Fai rvie w tow nsh ips fro m the 119th and add Dennison, Foster and Hazle townships, along with Freeland, West Hazleton, White Haven and Jeddo boroughs.

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“Many of them walk into my Nant ico ke of- fi ce. “ W e h a v e he lp ed th ou - san ds of re si - de nt s of th e 1 19t h Leg isla - ti ve Di st ri ct witha varietyof state issues and programs,” Mu ll er y, D- Newport Town- s h i p, s a i d.

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Ger ald Mul ler y, who repr esents the 11 9th Dis- tri ct, sai d the prel iminaryleg- isla tive red is- tric tingplan ap- proved Monday by the Legis la- tive Re app or- tionme nt Com- mi ss io n an d dra fte d by Re - public ans puts pol itic s ahe ad of con stit uen t service. Red as in the Republican ma- jority in the stateHouse and Sen- ate who have proposed a plan to make districts more GOP-friend- ly to can did atesand inc umb ents. HARRIS BURG – Local state Democ ratic elected offic ials are seeing red over the proposed re- alignment of legislative districts.

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